Sustainability is an integral part of Röhm’s global business strategy. By the year 2050, Röhm wants to have stopped generating greenhouse gas emissions and therefore produce on a climate-neutral basis. This means we are taking responsibility for our climate, society, and limited natural resources and helping to implement the European Union’s Green Deal.
Röhm has once again significantly expanded its financial and personnel resources in the area of sustainability. A road map to get to climate neutrality by 2050 is currently being worked on as a top priority. A first milestone on this path is the “Track 2030” initiative with the goal of significantly reducing carbon dioxide emissions resulting from the production or sale of Röhm products. Röhm has set itself an ambitious goal with the target of 30 percent per ton compared to 2020.
Not only is the focus on the development and launch of new sustainable products and technologies, but also on a decarbonization of the raw materials used. The aim is to create a circular economy for the entire product life cycle that also helps customers and key industries to achieve their ambitious sustainability goals.
Recycling of back light units from TFT flat screens
Back light units (BLUs) of TFT screens often consist of high purity polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), therefore making them ideal for chemical recycling. The polymer (PMMA) is split back into its monomer (MMA) through thermal decomposition, which then serves as a raw material for the production of PLEXIGLAS® again, the brand-name PMMA from Röhm. The MMA obtained in this way can also be used for reactive resins. Products made from this have a significantly reduced carbon footprint compared to new items. This recycling possibility clearly sets PMMA apart from other materials where chemical recycling only produces preliminary products for monomer production, such as pyrolysis oils.